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Safety Resource Library

We’ve been insuring community organizations for more than 75 years, which means we’ve picked up valuable information about helping you protect yourself, your organization and the people who depend on it. Our resource center includes a wealth of materials featuring safety and security knowledge from our experts and the industry leaders we work with.

To get started, first choose your organization type, then select from a variety of topics designed to help make your organization more secure.


Baptistery Dangers: Is Your Church at Risk?

Every week in churches across America baptisms take place. Thankfully, the majority of baptisms go off without a hitch. Nevertheless, church...

How Safe Are Your Employees?

If you were asked to picture a robbery and/or assault, a retail business open late-at-night in a high crime area would come to mind as a lik...

Your Responsibility When Responding to a Child Sexual Abuse Allegation

The sentencing of two Oklahoma church workers to 30 days in jail last week for failing to report child abuse that occurred at their church...


“You have no friends.” Imagine if a youth in your church received an email with a purposefully hurtful message, such as the one above...

Is Your Church Safe from Fire?

Fires can be devastating to say the least. They can cause death, injury, emotional turmoil and property damage. That’s why it’s importan...

Child Safety E-Book

DownloadA comprehensive guide to creating safe spaces for children and youth.

Religious Expression and Your Church

DownloadA practical guide to protect your ministry.

Kitchen and Food Safety

DownloadTips for reducing food-related risks.

Preventing Crime and Violence

DownloadFrom physical violence to cyber crimes: A comprehensive safety guide for churches.

Prevent Financial Fraud at Your Church: Webinar

What are you doing to keep your church’s funds safe? With financial fraud cases on the rise, it is more important now than ever to take th...

Church Facility Resource Documents

Certificate of Insurance Certificate of Insurance – How to Read & Understand Certificate of Insurance Form (PDF) Certificate of ...

Disaster Relief Team Safety

After a disaster occurs, such as an earthquake, hurricane, tornado, or flood, it is natural for the church to reach out to assist storm vict...

Church Risk Management Program

Instead of various groups spending time dealing with each of the key risk management issues individually over an extended period of time, th...

Vacation Bible School Safety

A common activity each year for churches is Vacation Bible School (VBS). It is typically a week of fun, learning and ministry for your churc...

Starting a Church Watch Program

Though many people assume that vandals and thieves would not want to focus on crimes against churches, sometimes the opposite is true. In fa...

Preventing Copper Theft

If someone were to say the words “theft at church,” you might think of a stolen purse, collection, or audio-visual equipment. What you p...

Flooding Preparedness

According to Ready, a national public service advertising campaign, floods are one of the most common hazards in the United States. Regardl...

Dealing With Sex Offenders

This fact sheet addresses the delicate situation in which a congregation learns that a convicted sex offender has been attending its service...