article Mission Trip Safety With good weather and vacations from school and work, summer brings many mission opportunities for churches. This article addresses safety c...
article Flipping the Switch: Starting Your Air Conditioning System With just over a month before the official start of summer, now is the time to begin thinking about turning your air conditioning system b...
article 16 Must Have Items for Your Auto Safety Kit Traveling to various places and events, such as conventions, speakers, camps and mission trips, are an essential part of the church ministry...
article Four Areas to Inspect on Your Church Grounds With the extreme winter weather experienced nationwide this past year, this spring would be an excellent time to conduct an inspection of ...
article Preparing for a Safe Easter Easter will be here soon, and preparations are underway at many religious organizations for one of the busiest days on the church calendar. ...
article Creating a Safe Environment for Children One important aspect of a church ministry is providing a safe setting for the children. Between nurseries, daycares and playgrounds, there...
article Spring Flooding: Are You Ready? As winter is coming to an end, many areas of the country will face the risk of spring flooding. Between heavy rains, severe weather and rapi...
article Space Heater Safety During the cooler- and cold-weather months, some organizations may utilize portable space heaters to help warm parts of their facilities. W...
article Keeping Members Safe and Reducing Liabilities in Church Gyms Does your church have a gymnasium in which members play basketball, volleyball or participate in other fitness activities? While providing s...
article Keeping Up On Church Maintenance Maintenance of the church property can be easily overlooked. Sometimes this is due to a lack of human or financial resources, such as when...