Religious Organization


Violence Plan Checklist


Arming Your Staff/Security Guards

Whether to arm a security detail at your organization takes a measured and thoughtful approach. Before making the decision whether to est...

Prepare to Prevent

Active shooter incidents have become a concern for all in recent years. These incidents occur without warning and quickly progress. Although...

Are These Hazards Present in Your Church Electrical Room?

Chances are, periodically checking your church’s electrical system doesn’t top your to-do list. It may not even make it on your list. Bu...

Assessing Your Organization’s Electrical Exposures

Over the past several months, we shared with you a series of articles on how to identify and control the electrical exposures within your ...

Why You Need a Qualified Electrician

In our previous electrical maintenance articles, we’ve mentioned the importance of hiring a qualified electrical contractor to perform mai...

How Safe is Your Playground?

With summer in full swing, your playground is probably getting a lot of use. To ensure it continues to be kid-friendly and stand up to weath...

Are These Hazards Present in Your Electrical Room?

Chances are, periodically checking your church’s electrical system doesn’t top your to-do list. It may not even make it on your list. Bu...

5 Must-Haves for a Safe VBS Program

The school year is wrapping up and summer is finally within reach. This means it’s almost go-time for Vacation Bible School (VBS). While y...

Spring Property Safety Check-Up

Hello, spring! As the days get warmer and longer, it’s a good idea to inspect your property and ensure it withstood winter’s harsh condi...