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Know the Basics: Wildfire Prevention

Wildfires can occur in forests, grasslands and brush, and they need fuel, heat and oxygen to occur. A wildfire can get fuel from vegetation, buildings and other materials; heat can come from lightning or human sources, and wind supplies the oxygen. During a wildfire, flaming embers, radiant heat and direct contact with the fire can all pose threats to your building. Windblown flaming embers pose the greatest threat as these can be carried up to one mile ahead of the actual flames.

Controlling Fuel Sources

The most effective method to protect your building from a wildfire is to control the fuel sources around your building:

  • Clear leaves, needles and other debris from the roof, eaves and gutters, as well as decks, porches and the building’s foundation.
  • Limit the vegetation (grass, plants and trees) up to 200 feet from the building. 
  • Relocate any above ground propane tanks to at least 30 feet from any buildings.
  • Move stacked wood at least 30 feet from any buildings.

Controlling Human Ignition Sources

You can’t control Mother Nature and lightning-ignited wildfires are going to occur. However, we can control the human causes of igniting wildfires including:

  • Do not have a campfire on dry, windy days. Never leave campfires unattended. Keep water and a shovel on hand to extinguish the fire completely before leaving, making sure everything is wet and cold to the touch.
  • Dispose of smoking materials properly. 
  • Avoid setting hot chainsaws, or other gas-powered equipment that will have hot mufflers, in dry grass.
  • Any gasoline-powered engines, including lawn mowers, trimmers, chain saws and tractors, should be provided with spark arrestors.
  • Charcoal grills only should be used over fireproof surfaces, and grilling should not take place on dry, windy days.
  • Spark arrestors should be placed over any flue openings on chimneys and stovepipes with openings less than 1/8 inches. 
  • Store gasoline and other flammable liquids in UL-listed fire cans.

Additional Considerations

Consider taking these additional precautions when dealing with wildfires:

  • Close all windows during a wildfire. If windows are closed, embers cannot enter the structure.
  • Use 1/8-inch mesh metal screen beneath porches, decks, floor areas, and the structure itself. Any openings to the roof and attic used for venting should be protected as well.
  • Seal any roof openings that are not used for venting and enclose the eaves on your roof.
  • Ensure that there is adequate accessibility by fire vehicles to your property.

Protecting Your Property

Wildfires spread quickly, igniting brush, trees, and buildings. By incorporating the safeguards listed above, you can reduce your property exposure to wildfires. For additional resources on wildfires, please visit the following links:

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