Cyber Suite Spotlight: Network Security Liability

Cyber Suite Network Security

Businesses and organizations that maintain data on employees, members, students and others have a responsibility to protect that data, which is no small task. In today’s world, the risk of a security or data breach is around every corner, and it’s important to have a defense ready if this risk becomes a reality. Network Security Liability can be a key to that defense. 

Cyber Suite Coverage includes Network Security Liability to provide defense and settlement costs in the event of a suit alleging that the insured’s failure to secure their own system caused damage to a third party. Unlike Data Compromise Liability, which needs to follow Data Compromise Response Expenses in order to be triggered, Network Security Liability can respond to incidents on its own. Coverage is triggered by suits that include:

  • Unintentional forwarding of malware
  • Breach of corporate data
  • Unintentional participation of the insured’s system in a denial-of-service attack

Example: An organization experienced a cyber-attack that compromised its servers. Criminals hacked into the system and launched a ransomware attack against every email address in the insured’s system contacts. Many of these affected individuals filed lawsuits against the insured, claiming the organization failed to properly secure its network. Network Security Liability helped provide for the defense and settlement costs of these lawsuits.

For more information about Network Security Liability, contact your GuideOne Sales Director or Marketing Representative, or visit the Cyber Suite Resources page of GuideLink.


Read the series: A Benefits OverviewComputer AttackComputer Fraud & Misdirected Payment FraudCyber ExtortionData Compromise Response Expenses & Liability CoveragesElectronic Media Liability, eRiskHub ServiceIdentity Recovery

Filed under Religious Organizations Education Nonprofit Small Business
Mallory Aslin

Mallory Aslin

Sales Training Specialist

As a member of the Sales Training team, Mallory provides product and system training for GuideOne’s sales team and distribution partners across the United States, as well as assists in developing training content. She earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Russian and Global Studies from Michigan State University.

Mallory lives in St. Louis, Missouri with her husband and two children, and is an avid St. Louis Cardinals baseball fan.

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